Important Tips on Women Making Love to Men

Published Categorized as Journal, Relationship, Relationship Advice, Romance Ideas

Most women would give anything to understand what it is that attracts a man to a woman. The answer is quite simple really. Men are not a mystery. You just need to keep a few things in mind before you make love to him!


1) There is no substitute to an exciting and fun female, especially in bed. So, whenever you are concentrating on practicing the umpteenth position from Kamasutra, loosen up! Don’t get serious enough not to have fun. Share things in bed, tell him your secret fantasies and encourage him to do the same. You can also try a few sex games to get some ‘quality time’ together.


2) Men have different demands from sex compared to women. They need frequent, consistent and passionate lovemaking. While you may want feel desirable and sexy in bed, he may need a lusty animal! Get more active in bed and chances are you will have him eating out of your hands! Just remember, that does not mean that you use sex as a tool. If you do so, he may just warm up to the game! That means no sex for both of you.


Sex is the means through which most men bond with their women. The act of sexual release makes him feel connected to you. Take that away from him and he gets the message that you no longer care


3) A woman who cooks and shares her meals with him is a primeval attraction. So, if you are thinking about a romp in the bedroom, start off with your kitchen!


4) Give him his private time. Like women, he needs it to get together with friends, pursue his hobbies and participate in a favorite sport. Give him the time off he wants and he will enjoy his time with you much more.


Practice these tips along with using high end sex toys, Lelo vibrators and mens sex toys for women making love to men and become the lady of his dreams!